Test Day Finger Scanning and Photography

Why test takers need to have finger scanning and photograph on test day?

IELTS is dedicated to protecting genuine test takers while ensuring the highest standard of customer care and the validity of test scores. Finger scanning and test day photography are security arrangements that provide protection for genuine test takers against fraudulent test takers. They also provide receiving organisations with reassurance that the person whose photograph appears on the Test Report Form is the person who took the test.

What is a finger scan?

A finger scan will be used to confirm test taker identity. The finger scan uses an electronic scanner which doesn’t contain any ink, liquid or chemical. No image of the finger is taken or stored instead data is converted into a unique sequence of numbers that are then used to identify the test taker and cannot be converted back into an image. A finger scan is not a finger print.

What will happen to finger scan data and photograph?

Finger scan will be stored as a binary reference and cannot be converted back into an image. An actual image of the finger-scan is never stored. Photograph and all personal data will be used only for the purpose of the IELTS test.

What can test takers expect on test day?

On test day photograph and finger scan will be taken at the entrance to the test room, ensuring secure access to all areas. The finger scan will be matched each time test takers leave and return to the test room after every comfort break.

Can test takers refuse to take the test day finger scan?

Refusal to comply with IELTS identity verification will prevent test takers from taking the test, and they will not be eligible for any transfer, cancellation or refund of the test.