Rules and Regulations

On test day test takers must bring:

  • EXACT THE SAME, ORIGINAL and VALID identification document test takers registered with. IELTS ONLY accepts Passport or Canadian Permanent Residence Card as ID document. The piece of identity must match what test takers have indicated on their application form. The ID must not have expired before the test date.
  • If test takers registered with their passport and go to the test with their Permanent Residence Card, they are NOT permitted to take test; and vice versa. Photocopies or expired documents will not be accepted. The ID test takers bring must contain a number, a signature, a date of birth, a photograph and an expiry date. If test takers do not present the original documents with required items, they will not be admitted to test and will have to re-apply. There is no refund or cancellations for bringing the wrong or expired ID.
  • Confirmation email
  • 2 HB or #2 pencils
  • An eraser
  • A pencil sharpener with a canister

Test takers will be allowed to have a clear bottle of water with the label removed. No other items will be permitted in the test room.

Absolutely no personal belongings, electronic devices (cell phones, smartwatches, MP3 players, iPods, etc.) or food will be allowed in the testing room. Any test taker who retains these in their possession will be disqualified. A cloak room will be available to secure personal items during the test. Please do not bring valuables on test day. Please note that IELTS assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen property.

Test takers must NOT:

  • Impersonate another person or have another person impersonate themselves.
  • Attempt to cheat, copy the work of another test taker or disrupt the test.
  • Use, or attempt to use, a dictionary, pager, spell-checker, electronic recorder or cell phone for the duration of the test. Any test taker doing so will be disqualified.
  • Talk to or disturb other test takers once the examination has started.
  • Smoke or eat in the examination room.
  • Reproduce any part of the test in any format/medium. Any test taker doing so will have their test results disqualified and be liable to prosecution.
  • Remove any materials used during the examination. This includes, but is not limited to, examination papers, speaking task cards, answer papers or working papers.