Test Tips

Before the test day

  • Leave nothing to chance. If you do not know how to get to the Test Venue, try going there at a similar time one or two weeks before the real test.
  • The night before the test is not a time for intensive study but rather to review skills and test technique. It is important to exercise, eat rest and sleep well before the test.
  • Organize the documents and other items you will need to take to the test, including passport /P.R. card and the test confirmation letter. Set your alarm clock the night before or arrange a wake-up call.
  • Eat a good breakfast to prepare for several hours of concentration ahead. Don’t drink too much water since there is no break in the morning test. You may wish to bring a snack, especially if your speaking test is at a later time that day. You cannot, however, take food into the examination room.
  • Give plenty of time to get to the Test Centre. You will be required to register and show your passport/permanent resident card before you enter the examination room so you must arrive at the time specified (8:15 – 9:15 a.m. on the test day) by Test Centre.